We are looking for partners

Are you in?

Are you a hunter and knowledgeable person and would like to hand in your hunted game?

Are you a hunter and want your own EU-approved cutting plant?

Or do you already have your own EU-approved cutting plant?

Then we are looking for you!

We are looking for hunters who would like to sell their kills to us or enter into a brand partnership with Heimat Wild.

What makes a Heimat Wild brand partnership?

A Heimat Wild partner operates its own cutting unit, collects game from its region and sells it locally or via the Heimat Wild network.

Why should you become a partner?

A partnership with us offers many advantages:

  • We support you with your purchase.
  • We guide you through the EU certification process, focusing on topics such as hygiene and documentation.
  • We train you to cut and process the game.
  • We produce game products for you (salami, burgers, bratwurst etc.).
  • We offer you a brand with which we jointly market venison.
  • We represent you at trade fairs and take care of listings with food retailers and delicatessens.
  • We handle the food logistics and take care of sales.

Benefit from our expertise and our network to further develop your business.

We are looking for partners in Austria and Germany.

Please contact us at +49 8821 7322007 Mon-Fri. 8-17h or use the contact form below.